Tuesday, February 2, 2010

playing to learn

Playing to learn was a pretty fun experince.playing all the games people made me think maybe one day i can make a playstation game.all the games was fun and some of them was very additicing games.I say that all the games i played my favoirte was the shooter games.The reason shooter games is my favorite is because i liked watch stuff blow up it just makes my day lol. The flash games made by the middle school kids was pretty fun to but if i had to choose which won was the best it would be Educational Games the reason i picked them was because there fun and educational.


  1. Go back and answer the follow questions:

    1. What made them boring?
    2. What would have made them more exciting?
    3. Why did you like the Educational games better than the others?
    4. Why would you rather play the student made games as compared to the professional ones?

  2. Hey Kenny. You may also want to play the game Budget Hero. It's an educational, professionally made game that is fun to play and teaches about the challenges of balancing the federal budget. http://marketplace.publicradio.org/features/budget_hero/

    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV
